Scared of Change
When I look on social media or television, I really see that people are scared of change. Then, there are those people who don’t change but not too fast. Other people just don’t like change and wants everything to stay the same. But when you look at everything that has happen around the world; and you see that people are really scared of the unknown.
Take the transgender restroom issue, one side believes that its okay for trans use the opposite restroom and the other believes that people will fake being a different sex and try to rape women, children, and men. Which that last point is valid but if someone wanted to harm to people, a restroom doesn’t stop anyone. People find the unknown scary. Simply because a man dress and feels like a woman, and all she wants is to relieve herself in a woman’s restroom scares people. I do take issue that the only side of this argument that is recognized is more on the male side but whatever.

Another issue would be religion! America is use to only Christianity and maybe Judaism. Other religions are accepted but no one usually hears about with the exception of Muslim. When one crazy radical person does something, everyone is put in that category because of that one person. Although I do understand, you can’t put everyone into the same category because of your fears. But that same fear never applies to Christianity when people shoot up schools and churches in the name of Jesus. People like to only point out the bad in every faith but never chooses to see the good. If you only point out the bad in every faith, then of course it is going to sound crazy. But again, people are scared of something they never took the time to learn about.
Living life in fear is not going to help the world or America. Unfortunately, things are going to happen that is not in our control. Everyone is going to have to learn to accept these changes in society. One day, people of a different sex physically is going to use the same bathroom as you because they feel spiritually and emotionally that they are that sex. More and more same sex couples are going to be on television because your children need to learn how not to judge other people based on who they love. There is going to be plenty of Muslims who live next door to you and cause no harm to anybody. All of these things are going to happen!
The more you try to resist it, the more the change is going to push through. This is the time in history were things are going to change whether you like it or not. Be ready and prepared!