The Divide: Light Skin VS Dark Skin
I was literally sitting here watching a make up video and then I came up with this topic. Sometimes my brain works like that, I could be doing something random and come up with a topic I want to address. It gets kind of weird sometimes but I think I kinda like the way my brain works.
But anyways, I actually want to talk about the battle of light skin vs dark skin. For some odd reason in the black community, we feel the need to compare each other in everything we do. We compare shoes, wealth, hair, anything that can be put against each other, we do. But the most talked about subject in the black community is skin color.

The problem with this battle is that it is seperating our community instead of bringing us together. No one should be comapring each other based on the color of their skin. There are even videos of black men asking other black men about which one do you like better. If a black woman went around and asked which one do you like better, she would be considered picky.
This divide stems from slavery. The master would divide their slaves based on the pigment of their skin. If the person was of a lighter complexion then the person would work in the house. If the person was of a darker complexion then the person would work in the fields. Even after slavery, people got jobs based on the color of their skin. Things like the "paperbag" test all come from dividing the black community based on the color of our skin.
Most black men would say its a preference, which is fine. But I don't like it when you degrade the darker/lighter skin tones. Which is probably it all needs to just stop all together.
Either way, comparing women or anybody is not acceptable and we need to stop. As a community, we need to learn how to love each other because the black community comes in all different shades, shapes, and sizes. No one wants to be chosen based on the color of their skin.