"Woke" or Easier

I have been thinking a lot about my content! This blog was supposed to be "woke" but still fun and easy to follow. Although right now being woke does seem to be easy and hard at the same time. I wanted to start this blog with trying to make a difference but it just seems that my brain wants to change ithe content because maybe its too political. Maybe there too much pro-blackness for people to read and/or understand.
When I thought about all of these things the first time, I knew it would be hard to be socially conscious and light hearted but I wanted to do both. For some odd reason the socially conscious part took over. Maybe it is probably because everything that America is feeling with the political enviroment but it seems every time I want to write something its always about some type of some form of politics.
Now you might be wondering why I am telling you this, I am telling you this because I am struggling between "woke"and easier. This struggle has been very real in the since that my brain is always thinking socially and less fun light hearted topics. But I don't want to be a writer who is only writing about light hearted topics and not thinking about social issues.
Now granted when it comes to social issues, most are based on opinion. But I just want to let some young girl know that you don't only have to do make up or hair tutorials in order to get your voice heard. Find a way that best express your feeling and thoughts to world.
I am sure I will find a way to solve this conflict and be able to balance between "woke" and easier. As for now, I will write whatever I feel even if it is more conscious. One day, there will be a balance and it will soon come naturally!