#SJW (Social Justice Warriors)

Social Justice Warriors describe people who are activist online. These people most times have a bad rep because some seem to have a bad argument and cannot get there point across. However, Social Justice Warriors are needed because most big movements start online. The funny thing is that this hashtag was started online to talk about people online.
Most times when social justice warriors start a movement, they are either standing up for something they genuinely believe in or they do it to get attention. These political movements are hard to follow because sometimes they underline with radical thoughts that most reasonable people would not agree with. But when these political movements actually have good intentions for some reason they always get the bad end of social media spectrum.
But whether you like these movements or not they are needed. Most movements good or bad now start online. The difference though at some point you have to still go out in the streets while you are promoting online. Black Lives Matter is a movement that started online, but like most movements, they always get a bad rep because of a few bad apples. Those are the people that seems to get blown up in the media. A movement like All Lives Matter also started online, but they only show up when Black Lives Matter tries to make a statement.
Either way, #SJWS are needed and help this society move forward. They just have to find a way to promote online and take it to the streets at the same time!