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Feminism vs Black Feminism

I think we can all agree that we are all feminist. If you believe in things like equal pay, self body rights, and womens education then you are by definition a feminist. All women come together during these marches to fight for the same thing. Most women don't care about your race or ethnicity because you are all there for the same reason. But its the after of the women marches that you see the true colors. Some of white girlfriends, don't feel like women of color should have the same rights. We get to those women who are glad that you came out to support them but the protest was never for women of color. This is when Black Feminist come into play!

Although I am only talking about a few, there are generally some white women who don't want those same rights apply to women of color. So you have the black feminist movement. This movement still want the same rights but this time there is this little thing called race. I, as a black woman, should not be discrimanted because you think my hair is "too wild". I, as a black woman, should not be discrimanted because my hips and but is fills out my skirt. I, as a black woman, should not even be compared to darkskin sista when it comes to apply to jobs and you pick the light skin sista because she is closer to your standards of beauty. Black feminism is the same thing but race is at the end of that sentence.

Feminism is for everyone until it is not. The word feminism should apply to all women no matter what your race or ethnicity is. Equal pay, self body rights belongs to all women. But until the word feminism belongs to everyone there will always be a Black feminist movement.

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