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Mama Pope's Rant

Have you guys, seen the season finale of scandal? If not then you might want to hold off from reading this because I am going to give a little bit of a spoiler alert. I wanted to talk about the scene where mama pope is in jail and she is wanting papa pope to come and talk to her. In the midst of all that mama pope starts to go on a bit of a rant about being a black woman.

All though mama pope is crazy, she was telling the truth. She basically talks about how black women always put everyone else first. She talks about how balck men have an ego when black women wants to help them but the black man believes he can do it all by themselves. Black women are taught to raise a black man, think like a black man but never questioned them. My favorite part from the whole seen is when she talks about how all we get in return is white women taking our swag and wears cornrows and bamboo ear rings. Then during that rant, she asks two seperate times "is it admirable or ridiculous?".

This rant was so true. Black women always put themselves last because thats how we are taught. We are taught to be strong minded but don't crush your man's ego because he can't take a little truth. Now yes, I am aware that this is my second post about black women and what wrong with black men. And yes, I am also aware that black women are not perfect either and we have issues too, yes I know and I am aware. But for a hot minute, I have been wanting to talk about black women in a positive light seeing that we are always being bashed. Just let me speak my mind about this subject.

Here is the video!

How did you feel about mama pope speaking her mind? Was she telling the truth?

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