Fulani Braids Trend
Lately in my black girl community, I have been seeing the trend of Fulani braids. Although these braids are cute and I do want them, I also want to make sure we are not appropriating the Fula culture. So I am going to give a little background the Fulani people but I really want you guys to do your own research as well.

Fulani, Peul, Fula, or Fulbe are a large group of people who spread all over West Africa. They are considered to be a largest group of people in the world and a pastoral group. Beauty in the Fula culture is very important and it is shown through tattos and hair. These Fulani Braids stem from how beauitful you are as a women. They are mainly concentrated in Nigeria, M

ali, Guinea, Cameroon, Senegal, and Niger. You can also find the Fula people from Lake Chad to the Alantic coast. From research, they also seem to be a religious group; the two main religions are Islam and Muslim, but Muslim is the biggest religious group. The Fulani culture also have at least five major dialects in the west, central Nigeria, Sokoto, and Adamawa which is in the east ;Futa Toro, Futa Jallon, and Masina. The language also depend on their religion as well so if you are Muslim you would speak Arabic.
This is just a little background on the Fulani culture. If you want to learn more you have to do a little research on your own. Also, if you can think of anything else about the culture just comment down below. Thank you guys for reading and comment any topic you would like to see.