Stretch Your Hair W/ No Heat!!!!
There are many methods of stretching natural hair. I am going to give you some tips on how I stretch my hair without using no heat. This...

Misleading Truths of being Natural!
I remember when I first starting going natural, I was very confused on how to take care of natural hair because I only knew how to take...

How I maintain Braidouts!!
Hey guys! Today I want to share with you how I maintain my braidouts through out the week. It is very quick and easy!! Items you will...

Fulani Braids Trend
Lately in my black girl community, I have been seeing the trend of Fulani braids. Although these braids are cute and I do want them, I...

Bantu Twist Out! (Picture Version)
Hey guys! Today I will be giving you another natural hair tutorial. I was doing my hair and I thought this would be a good idea for you...

Braid Out Tutorial (Pic Version)
Today I decided to hair tutorial but with pictures! I will give you the steps on how to get a good braid out. The tools you will need is...

Natural Hair Community Issues
I have been in the natural hair gang for about 3 or 4 years. I love the fact that more and more black girls are recognizing the harms of...

Embracing natural hair!
For a while now, I have been struggling with embracing my hair. I have been depending on those twist to make me feel confident in myself....