How I maintain Braidouts!!
Hey guys! Today I want to share with you how I maintain my braidouts through out the week. It is very quick and easy!!
Items you will need:
- Hair Clips
- Water/ Spray bottle
- Some type of oil

1) I seperate my hair into sections by using my fingers and clip the rest of the section back.
2) Then I procceed to braid my hair dry.
3) Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you are finish braiding your hair.
4) Put some type of oil on your so your hair won't be dry then spray your hair with water.

* you may also use leave in conditioner as well.
5) Put your bonnet/scarf on and go to sleep.

This is how I maintain my hair at night. There plenty of other ways of maintaing your hair at night but this works best for me. Also how you braid your hair is up to you, I just gave you basic steps on braiding hair. Let me know how you maintain your hair at night.