Stretch Your Hair W/ No Heat!!!!
There are many methods of stretching natural hair. I am going to give you some tips on how I stretch my hair without using no heat. This is very easy and simple and it doesn't take much.
- Fingers

First day...
As always make sure you start off with fresh clean hair. After I clean my hair I style it to be a braid out and I just do big braids going around my head. Then I tie it up and let it dry for the rest of the day.

Next day....
I unwrap my hair and apply oil to my fingers. If you have thick hair like me, then more than likely your hair still would be damp which is fine. All your going to do is take the braid down and rebraid it. If you want, you can split the braid horizontally and that creates a little more stretch. It also helps the hair dry.

How do you stretch your hair? Let me know. Also make sure you share with others about kindofblog!